Special summer camps have a mission to educate teens with fun. Social and global values are given to teens and they are getting prepared to achieve lifetime success. The greatest summer camp ever is known as
Passport NYC. There are different camp programs of this company. They can attract all kind of people that has good spirit inside.
Passport NYC is a Jewish company that aims to inject good Jewish values to teens. This is not a religious education type but they depend on the values of this religion. Teens are taught to love society and live positively. They will learn being social and beneficial. They will love the job they are doing.
There are five specialty areas for
Passport NYC. They are education teens in film, fashion, culinary arts, music and musical theater. Their motto is to be a social New Yorker.
Two main seasons are general dates. 30th June - 21st July and 28th July - 18th August are the two seasons of this special camping program. During the seasons, teens will experience the most extraordinary education there. This special summer camp will be a memory that will never be forgotten. That is a very special event.
Participants should visit their office. There is online solution for those who cannot visit there. They can fill the required lines of participant information application online. Name, gender, date of birth, school, grade, address, city, state, zip code, country and some other general information should be filled in the gaps.